When you set a boundary you are declaring, "I'm raising the standards for my life."

You're deciding that, from now on, you will be treated differently, and you will no longer settle for "just enough" or for scraps and crumbs.
It is time for more.

It is time to step more fully into your own power and take a stand as you work towards greater achievements, greater wealth and leadership mastery.

It is time to claim back the energy you are losing and rewire it into what matters most to you. So you and your business can thrive.

If you want to wake up in the morning more refreshed,
ready to meet the day and lead from a place of confidence and strength.

If you want your energy to be humming at a higher-level, so you can get more done and still have reserves for yourself and the people you love.

If you want to show up for your people...clear, decisive and confident...managing obstacles, difficult people
and situations with more ease.

And if you are ready to make beautiful changes...

Sacred Boundaries for Successful Women

is the class you have been waiting for.

The next class begins on

June 26, 2021

What you'll gain from
this class:

Understand why you've struggled to set boundaries in the past, where these patterns come from, and how to create immediate changes in your life.


Stop settling for situations that are "just okay" or "good enough" in your life and work, because settling...that's spiritual torture.


Stop tolerating mistreatment and disrespect and start demanding more from others (and from yourself), without compromising your kind heart...raising your life to a higher standard on your terms.


Become clear and discerning about what (and who) you want in your life, and what you truly desire.


Learn how to effectively enforce the boundaries you have set, because an un-enforced boundary is pointless.


Learn how to continue being your compassionate, empathetic, and generous self, but without depleting yourself in the process.


Set energetic and pragmatic boundaries to protect your time, money and other precious resources.


Learn to create strong energetic boundaries in seconds and keep the love connection.


Practice boundary-setting with consistency, so they no longer feel "difficult" or "uncomfortable" to uphold, but rather, embedded deeply in the fabric of your being. Part of who you are.

Sacred boundaries for Successful Women was created for busy, hardworking, accomplished women.

You are building your own business, or you are climbing the ladder in your workplace. You probably own a home and two cars. A closet full of clothes. Perhaps you have a partner and children. From all outward appearances, you are excelling, leading, living the dream. But inside you are exhausted.

Symptoms of weak boundaries include:

Always feeling like you don't have enough time in the day.

Wanting to shut yourself away and you dread the next knock on your office door, because if one more person asks something of you it will be too much.

Feeling late or rushed most of the time.

Quietly resenting other people (even your own family).

Feeling drained no matter how much sleep you get & feeling like you never have enough–support, resources or money–no matter how much you earn.

There is a nagging sense that there are people and situations and internal chatter that you need to address, but you just don't have the energy.

And there is this sense of dread that creeps up on you on Monday mornings (or anytime you look at your schedule or inbox).

If this sounds like you, this class will create massive shifts in your life.

      Love Philippa 

Details of the next class

The next program
begins on June 26, 2021

Time commitment
8 weeks

Small group training and coaching.
2 x 1-1 sessions with Philippa

Audio material, Q and A, transcripts and worksheets.
Access to a fully curated private and confidential discussion group.

A copy of the book
Beautiful Business: Create a successful, Sustainable and Soul-satisfying Business–One Personal Breakthrough At A Time.

Investment: $5000

If you are interested in joining the next Sacred Boundary program enroll below.

For this program space is limited to ensure personal attention is available to all participants.

Praise from clients

"The work we have done together is paying of in so many amazing ways in life and in my work. It is such a gift. Thank you. I am finally really clear and positive about the future. You have contributed significantly to that, and i am so grateful to you. I feel like a fog has lifted and i can see more clearly and I can take steps with more grace and confidence." –Susan Neden, Victoria, Canada

"Philippa does not lt you lose sight of your vision in those moments when you have doubts or fears. She is not afraid of my dark or my bigness. She opened the way to a big, bold beautiful business and helped me become stronger and more courageous. –Pam Haley, Virginia, USA

"Our sessions together opened my eyes to who I am deep down, to what I really want to achieve in my life and how I want my work to evolve. I was able to make clear and beautiful next steps." – Lyndall Mitchell, Melbourne, Australia

"Working with you is such a beautiful and profound experience. Your lightness of being and healing gifts have diminished old fears, dissolved blocks and breathed fresh air into my life and work." –Mindy Meiering, Colorado, USA

"Philippa has a unique blend of extraordinary gifts and talents that will open your eyes to your inner world, clear blocks, open doors, and help you step into your vision with grace. She will be with you every step of the way." –Bella Casarella, Florida, USA

2020 - Philippa Rowlands | All Rights Reserved